Success Story: Judith Minix
November 7, 2022
Boyd Nursing and Rehabilitation is excited to share resident Judith Minix’s Success Story!
Ms. Minix came to Boyd Nursing for rehabilitation following a brief hospital stay that left her weak and in a debilitated state, which inhibited her from returning home. Ms. Minix was optimistic to begin her rehabilitation journey, sharing compassion and delivering words of encouragement to other residents along the way. Over the course of her three week stay, Judith received physical and occupational therapy services to work on strengthening and endurance training, balance and mobility training, self care training, and instruction on strategies and interventions to achieve her prior level of independent function to return home. Ms Minix was successful in her rehab and returned home, reporting that she is happy to have had the opportunity to come to Boyd Nursing for rehab, and that she would like to be able to come back to volunteer, as she has always enjoyed doing for others. Congratulations to Judith and her Care Team on their success!