Success Story: Danny Chapman
November 23, 2021
Boyd Nursing & Rehabilitation is proud to recognize Danny Chapman’s Success Story!
Mr. Danny Chapman was admitted to Boyd Nursing for rehabilitation in October, following complications of a respiratory failure and discharge from Hospice care. Upon admission, Mr. Chapman presented with decreased strength and activity tolerance, balance deficits and immobility, and required extensive assistance with his activities of daily living. Given the complexity of his situation, Mr. Chapman required medication management, lab monitoring, physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy services in order to restore him to a level to return home with the support of his loving wife.
Despite all the obstacles, this did not damper Mr. Chapman’s will to return home to his family. He worked diligently to overcome what seemed impossible at the start of his recovery. With the help of his physical, occupational, and speech therapists, Danny regained his strength and mobility to perform transfers and ambulation. He also regained his ability to perform self-care activities. This improvement enabled him to return home with his family. Congratulations, Mr. Chapman! We are so happy to have been able to assist you during your recovery.